
Milky Blue

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Milky Blue

Ezio Auditore stood outside of a small looking building, inwardly groaning at the thought of actually having to work.  His father had finally become so fed up with all of his troublemaking that he had told the young man to either get a job or stay at home with him.  The Florentine noble chose the first option; at least this way he could get out of his house and perhaps goof off every once in awhile.  He had originally wanted to pick out his new job, but before he could even begin to go around the city, asking people if they needed an extra assistant or something, his mother had gotten him a job working as an errand boy of some sorts for an artist that lived all the way across the city.  The brunette showed his obvious displeasure to his new employment by not showing up the first day, but when his mother had found out that he was gallivanting around town with Federico, all hell broke loose.  There was screaming, arguing, yelling, poor Petruccio stayed huddled in his room, Claudia practically ran out of the house, Federico just stood in the corner and laughed, and his father just stood there with his mouth wide open.  The young man guessed that Giovanni never really saw his wife angry before, or at least not this angry in a very long time, and now that he looked back on it, Ezio couldn't help but have a small smirk come across his lips.
Feeling the warm spring sun on his cheek, Ezio was quickly thrust back into reality and nearly stomped his foot like a child.  He wanted to be serenading pretty girls to his bed, causing trouble for Vieri and his group of thugs, and tease the city guards until he had to jump across the red tiled roof tops in order to escape.  He had no desire, or very little if there was any, to be stuck inside all day and run errands; he enjoyed his youthful freedom and wished to keep it as long as possible!  He knew that one day he would end up exactly like his father and he wanted to shudder at the thought.  His father never really seemed to go out of the house very much and if he did, it was mainly for business or for festivals where he was obligated to show up.  Not wanting to think of what he would turn into when he aged, he raised his fist up to the wooden door and knocked on it.  
Ezio wasn't entirely sure if anyone was in the workshop to begin with.  When he had first shown up, the curtains were still drawn and there didn't sound to be like any kind of movement from inside.  But then he heard the rustling of papers and light footsteps coming from inside and he felt the frown on his face go deeper; he had been hoping that he could just go home and beg and plead his father for a job within the bank.  Hearing the door creak open, the Auditore mentally prepared himself for his new employer and was surprised when he found a young redheaded girl staring up at him.  The child was just a bit younger than Petruccio, had freckled pale skin, green eyes that seemed to sparkle in the sunshine, a tiny frame that seemed as though she was more fit for running with a group of thieves than working for an artist.
"Buongiorno, young lady; I was wondering if your maestro is at home?  You see, I'm supposed to start working as his errand boy," the two words were spat with venom, "and I wasn't able to make it on my first day due to family business."
The young girl looked up at him questioningly, her greens eyes saying that she knew he was giving a lie of some kind in his story and he could definitely tell by the way he had said 'errand boy' that she was annoyed with him.  Perhaps she was a bit overprotective of her maestro?  Or maybe her maestro was also her father?  If that was the case, he could possibly say goodbye to this job and hello to working as a banker!  
"Buongiorno anche a te, Signore.  Si, my maestro is here, but he is very busy at the moment.  You wouldn't be Ezio Auditore by any chance, would you?" Ezio gave a hesitant nod, "So you're the one who had my maestro so upset last night." Her eyes impaled daggers into his face and he was sure that if her glare could turn into weapons he would be dead or pretty close to it.  Had her maestro really gotten upset over the fact that he hadn't shown up for work the other day?  Per l'amor di Dio!  What would happen if he just dropped the job just like that?  The artist would probably have a heart attack!
"Mi dispiace; I didn't mean to make the maestro upset.  I didn't have the time to send someone over here to tell you about the issues my family has been having."
"Oh really?  From what I heard yesterday you were running around town with your brother.  I can definitely see that you had family issues yesterday.  Now, enough arguing; I better let you in before my maestro comes in." the fiery girl gestured for him to step inside the dark workshop.  Taking a cautious step forward, Ezio caught his first glimpse of the inside and the only thought that came to mind was how utterly chaotic the place was.  There were books, sketches, half finished paintings, drawings of strange contraptions, pencils, paints, a chair was overturned in the corner, and there were models of objects hanging from the ceiling.  The inside was definitely bigger than he had expected, but it seemed as if his new employer had several surprises up his sleeve.  
"Why is it so dark in here?  And, not trying to offend, messy?  Your maestro is an artist…how can he work with so much clutter and darkness?"
"You'll see soon enough why it is always dark in the workshop and as for the mess…my maestro is not a very organized man.  When I first arrived, I tried my hardest to keep the place in some semblance of order, but I failed completely.  The man would just keep taking things off the shelving without putting them back, take out paints and forget where he had gotten them from, and whenever he would sketch something, he would just leave the papers lying about.  Eventually I gave up on cleaning it and now I just make sure not too much dust accumulates on everything." The girl replied.  Ezio had to chuckle at the way she was speaking; it sounded as if she were talking about a five year old child instead of a grown man!  
"He sounds quite interesting.  Now I feel bad for not meeting him sooner and I apologize for lying to you, Signorina.  I was afraid of losing this job that I had to come up with something on the spot." He was lying right through his teeth again, but he didn't care.  He just needed to make sure that he could hold onto this errand boy thing until he was back in his father's good graces.
The girl stopped in the middle of the workshop, a tiny smile spread on her lips.  "He is an interesting man, but he has the tendency to be a bit excited when it comes to certain things.  And there is no need to apologize to me, Signore Ezio; you'll have to do that right to my maestro's face." Her grin soon turned wicked and continued to walk through the workshop and to a door that stood opposite the large room.  "My maestro is in this room.  It's the darkest out of the entire workshop so if you don't see him right away don't come walking out and ask me where he is."
Nodding, Ezio turned the handle on the door and walked inside, the pit in his stomach growing when he heard the door shut behind him.  Why did he have such a nasty feeling about being in this room?  Hadn't his madre pick this job for him?  She wouldn't have chosen something dangerous for him, right?  Realizing how stupid and childish his own thoughts sounded, he walked into the center of the room and looked around.  Wouldn't the artist have heard him come in?  The room itself wasn't very large; the only pieces of furniture in there was a desk, a chair, and what appeared to be a sofa and he also noticed that the only source of light was from a small crack in the curtains.
He blindly made his way back to the door where he had entered and quickly left the eerie room, his brown gaze turning on the giggling girl.  "I think you have the wrong room, Signorina.  There wasn't a soul in there and if you don't mind me asking why you are giggling?" he was a bit annoyed with her; first she was rude to him at the door, even though he kind of deserved it, and now she was giggling at him for some unknown reason.
"Mi dispiace; I didn't mean to make you enter that room on purpose.   That is where my maestro usually resides and it's so routine for me to take his patrons in there that I completely forgot that he is in another part of the workshop.  Or at least I hope he's in the workshop…" she whispered the last part to herself, worry leaking into each syllable.  Now Ezio was getting curious.
"Is there a problem if he is not in the workshop?"
Her green eyes soon connected with his brown and she gave a small nod.  "I might as well tell you.  I know my maestro likes to tell this to the people who ask, but seeing as how he isn't here I'll tell you, but it will have to be the short version.  My maestro has very poor eyesight; he can only see the vague grey outlines of objects and people and can only distinguish a few colors.  I don't really know if it was an accident or by birth that caused his vision to be that way.  He hasn't s given me any real details and the only people he has ever told are close friends and colleagues of his." She explained quickly, heading towards the stairs that probably led to the upper level, more livable part of the workshop.  Ezio followed her up the creaky stairs, not entirely sure he was supposed to or not, and pondered this new information.  So, the artist had horrible vision and could only see a few colors?  How was it that he could paint such things if he could hardly see?  And it still didn't answer his question as to why the workshop was so dark.  
As if reading his mind, the young girl continued on explaining in a rushed voice, "With his eyes being the way they are, he can't go out into the sunlight; it causes him a great deal of pain, but he sits outside for hours sometimes, sketching or painting until I pull him in and scold him like a child.  It's always odd having to tell my maestro that he was doing something that he shouldn't be and he's nearly three times my age. "
Now it all made sense to the young Auditore why the workshop was so dark and why the man needed an errand boy.  "So do you think he is outside then?  On the roof perhaps?"
"More than likely; his favorite places to be outside are on the roof and in the courtyard beside the building."
"Do you want me to go out and look in the courtyard then?  No sense in you running up and down the stairs constantly looking for him.  I'll even check around back if you would like me too." At least he would be able to see some sunlight if she agreed.  The darkness was beginning to bother his eyes, but he knew that he would have to grow accustomed to it if he was to be working here.
"Grazie!  Let me just fetch a piece of cloth for you and I'll let you go find him." Her red curls bounced against her back as she thumped up the stairs.  The sound of drawers being pulled open and quiet grumblings could be heard from where the brunette was standing and he let another chuckle leak through his throat; the girl seemed to grow frustrated easily and he wondered how the poor artist could put up with a girl like her.  He could only imagine what she would be like once she was a full grown woman!  Hearing the footsteps coming down the stairs, he waited for her to hand over a piece of black cloth and he waited for an explanation.  "Oh!  I forgot to tell you; tie the cloth around his eyes once you find him.  It will help his eyes to stop hurting and recover quicker."
"I can see that his eyes really do bother him." Ezio whispered to himself as he headed outside once more.  The sun stung his eyes a bit, but he quickly readjusted to the world outside and quickly made his way over to the courtyard.  Surely if he helped his new employer out, the man would forget about his mistake yesterday and hopefully not run him ragged on his first day.  The young man crossed his fingers as he entered the shaded off are and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a man sitting on a stool, sketchbook and a piece of kohl in his hands, drawing what appeared to be a dozing kitten.  Ezio took a wild guess that this man was the one he was looking for and he quietly made his way over to the older looking man.  In all reality, the man couldn't have been much older than him; he looked more like Federico's age when he thought about it.
As if sensing his presence, the artist's head flicked up and a smile spread across his pale cheeks.  "You must be Ezio Auditore.  How nice to finally meet you!  You're mother has told me many wonderful things about you and I'm glad that you agreed to work for me.  I know it won't be the most exciting, but I hope you enjoy yourself."
"I look forward to working for you, Signore.  I apologize for not showing up yesterday; I had some things that needed to be taken care of.  Your assistant told me that it had upset you and for that I apologize also." Ezio took a few steps closer to the man and noted that the man had blond hair, dark freckles, and a nicely built frame.  For a man who had bad vision it seemed he found some sort of way to exercise.  But the thing that caught his attention most of all was the artist's eyes; they were a bright, vibrant sky blue color, but it was obscured by a film of white that seemed to cover his entire eye.  
"Non è importante, ma vi ringrazio.  My assistant is a bit protective when it comes to me and I think she exaggerates many things.  I was worried when you didn't show up yestereday, but I know that you are just a young man who is still restless and doesn't want to be cooped up with a near blind man and his silly assistant.  And if you ever want to take a day off for whatever reason, just tell me and I'll see what I can do.  And where on earth are my manners?  It would be difficult for you to work for me if you don't even know my name!  My name is Leonardo da Vinci, my assistant is Rosaria, and this little girl," he gestured towards the black kitten that was now awake and staring up at him with bright yellow eyes, "is Margherita."  
"Well, it already seems that you know my name, Signore Da Vinci, so there is no real reason for me to introduce myself.  And buongiorino, Signorina Margherita.  You look very content just lying there." Ezio teased as he scratched the kitten's soft head.  He could feel ther body vibrate as she purred in satisfaction.  Suddenly remembering the entire reason why he was out here, the Auditore pulled out the cloth that he had been hiding in his pocket.  As soon as he did though, he heard a defeated sigh coming from Leonardo and he wondered why the man seemed to gloomy about putting on the piece of cloth.  Sure it was a drab, boring color, but it would protect the man's eyes better than if he left them open and vulnerable.
"Mi dispiace, but your assistant-Rosaria-asked me to make sure you put this on over your eyes as soon as I found you.  She told me that your eyes are extremely sensitive to light and that it can be quite painful for you."
Gesturing for the younger man to come closer, Leonardo reached out with his long fingers and took the smooth cloth out of his hand and tied it around his eyes, a small grin now on his face.  "There, that should definitely keep her from complaining."
"Do you want me to help you inside?  It must be difficult to move around with something covering your eyes."
Ezio expected Leonardo to reject his gesture to help him, but the man gratefully acepted the offer with a huge smile and extended his hand.  "I would very much like that.  I can usually manage by myself, but there are so many things that I could trip over and I will probably end up hurting myself before I can even get inside."
Taking the offered hand, the Auditore used his free one to pick up the kitten, who just meowed softly and nuzzled into his chest, and led the man out of the courtyard and back into the dark building.  He wasn't entirely sure how long he was going to be working for the man, but he knew that as long as he was there things were going to be very interesting.  Very, very interesting.
I have been dying to get this story out of my system! It has been buzzing around in my head all week and I finally got the chance to sit down and write it. This story was basically inspired when I was writing a paper on Andrea Bocelli for my English class and the thought popped into my head like 'Hey! If Bocelli can do all this while being blind, why can't Leonardo do the same with his art?' Then the thought of the fact that it would be kinda impossible to do art completely blind so I just gave him bad vision. It all works out in the end! I wasn't actually planning on putting Rosaria in here; my original intention was to have Salai, but I just decided that I could use both! So Salai will be making an appearance more than likely in the next chapter.
Most of this was written to this song: [link] It's off of Andrea Bocelli's newest release, Notte Illuminata and it's called La speme ti consoli. It's so lovely to listen to and I absolutely adored writing to this.
Ubisoft owns a chunk of Leo, the vast majority of Ezio, Maria, Claudia, Giovanni, Federico...I think I mentioned Petruccio in there somewhere. Salai was a living breathing person, much like Leo, and Rosaria belongs to me. I hate writing these things...It's fun to make it somewhat entertaining!
© 2011 - 2024 RandomStarvingArtist
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KelsiJGD's avatar
This is awesome! :D

Like others said, it's very interesting! :la: